Birmingham High School Cheer Squad

Home of the Patriots


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        We are the Birmingham High School Cheerleaders! Birmingahm High Cheer Squad is comprised of 24 hard-working, dedicated athletes. These young women work year-round to support the school’s various athletic programs, as well as promote school spirit and bring awareness of school functions. They are also highly competitive in their sport. Here at Birmingham, we have two amazing and competitive teams each consisting of a Varsity and JV level : Varsity Yell, a stunting, tumbling and dance combination with  difficult stunts; Varsity Song, a  dance and cheer combination. JV Yell and Song, also a stunting, tumbling and dance combination, however, with a lesser degree of difficulty in stunting than the Varsity.   BHS is known for the excellent achievements and facilities of our school's sports teams. The Birmingham High School Cheerleaders are proud to represent and support our wonderful school. BHS Cheerleaders NOT only support in making history BUT we make our own! As a competitive team we try our best to make our routines excellent and the best!






Weather at Birmingham High School


17000 Haynes St

 Lake Balboa, California 91405

Telephone : (818) 758-5200

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This site was last updated 06/13/08